Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm in love.....

How could you not be in love with such a precious gift from God?! Children are a blessing from the Lord! Chris and I love him more and more each day. What will we do when another comes along...(we're trying for our second child)...how do you 'share the love'? Posted by Picasa


Jenni said...

It's easy, hard to imagine that you could love more than one child the way you love your first but you do! :)

Sabrina said...

I cried so hard the night before my C-section with Mattie. I just held onto Sophie. I was excited for baby #2 but sad for the specialness of just having your first child. Then I had Mattie! I don't know how God does it, makes us love them both, somehow the same and somehow with all of our heart. It is a miracle in itself!

Jenn Turner said...

I think it is kind of like friends. There are certain friends you really love, but you love them for different reasons. Your kids will all have such unique personalities and things that make them special, so you will love them the same amount, but in different ways...

Jenni said...

I did the same thing as Sabrina (kind of) when I knew I was going to be going into labor with Eamon. There is a feeling of the last time with your only child but then after your second is born everything is different. Your child is so excited to see that new baby that you don't have time to think about missing those days with only one. There is just so much more joy and fullness with more children, you think one is fun, wait until you have two or three, there will be even more laughing (and crying:) in your home! Bless you guys!

Tammie said...

I love this picture! You guys look great!!

The Eddy's said...

I want one! (Could you actually hear the whine in my voice with that statement?) : ) You two look so adorable, I just want to come and snorffle in your ear and on his tummy! : ) Love the matchy-matchy too, you are just too cute!