Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fun?!...not so much!

Ethen got his first big owie the other day. I was at work, he was at my parents with Chris just playing around and he fell into the table leg and split his forehead just between his eyes. (You'll have to excuse the picture of Chris, he wasn't really down with pictures in the middle of the "emergency"). It was quite an odd feeling not being able to be there for my little boy when he needed comfort. Chris did a great job! He is such a great dad (and hubby, and son, and, and, and...) Anway, basically 6 or so hours later, he left the Emergency room with a bandaid and some glue. It is healing quite nicely. (by the way, I stole these pictures from my dad's blog, I wasn't there to get any on my own camera.)

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Jenn Turner said...

Ouch! Unfortunatley, another right of passage for our little boys :) I'm suprised he waited this long! :) Hope he is feeling better soon!

The Eddy's said...

Poor Bubby! :( Incedentally, my first major accident neccessitating stitches in my forehead was a result of my learning to spin...was Ethen spinning or just trucking around? Poor little guy, he looks so unenthused in these pics.