Sunday, March 09, 2008

Wow...a little and a lot!

It seems like quite a few of us have taken another Blogger vacation?! I haven't had much to report on, but here's the update anyway!

Chris and Jenni have some news to share with all of us!

Jeff and Marisa welcomed Chloe Nicole on leap day...I was finally able to catch up with her on the phone. Marisa said now that she has some 'free time', she'll catch up on her blogging! Go girl!!

My good friend Tamara is prego! Yipee! And, she lives over in Hawaii. Lucky!

My sister is engaged. She has her own blog you can check out for yourself!

My mom is doing Weight Watchers and she has lost 9 pounds already! Way to go Momma. My mom is my best friend. We do almost everything together. Ethen has warmed up to her quite nicely. Before, he was kind of a stinker to her b/c every time that Chris and I left, my mom would come over and babysit. So, it wasn't was just that mom and dad were gone. Poor grandma got a bad rap...not anymore! My dad has also lost 55 or so pounds since Judah was born (9 months ago). Way to go are both 'losers'! We are very proud of both of you. Keep it up...I mean know what I mean.

Ethen is going to turn 3 in a little less than a month. We are doing a Thomas birthday. He has several of the wooden trains already, but no tracks. So we got some from Craigslist for his special day. We are going to set them up as a surprise for him. I can't wait. Everyone's invited!

We have also been doing some spring cleaning around here. I consolidated Ethens and Judah's toys to one box each that they'll keep in Ethen's room. I pulled out the 1 year clothing and washed it all up for Judah and it's in his closet. (Meaning, I also had to weed out the smaller clothing for both boys, who by the way, share a closet.) I went through all my kitchen cupboards and drawers and organized, downsized, etc. and boy, did it feel good. I took a few bags to Goodwill from all that cleaning. Funny how cleaning is so lame, but at the same time, so rewarding?! I'm a promoter (sanguine), can you tell?! And, we have also been going through my parents storage units that haven't been peeked at for .... a while. And, last but not least, I have been preparing my yard and flower beds for spring. I turned the soil, did a little landscaping, and put some coffee grounds in the flower beds. Starbucks has them for free...just ask them.

My next projects are to prepare my garden boxes for planting, go through the gazillions of items under my bathroom sink (for the 2nd time in about 6 months) and to get my mini greenhouse veggies going. I have 4 little cups of snapdragons that I got from Burgerville Kids Meals last year. I am hoping to have a little more color in my flower beds in front of my house this year. Also, I wouldn't be too good of a wife if I didn't mention that my wonderful hubby has beautified our lawn (mowing, edging, overseeding, fertalizing, etc.). Way to go honey! You are the best and I love that you take care of the outside stuff so well. Not to mention our cars! You are great and I am blessed.

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