Sunday, March 08, 2009

Ethen and the "God Wanter".

Here's our beautiful boys today from the hot tub. I am a little behind in stories and blogging, so hopefully I'll get all caught up.

My first story is about the "God Wanter". Every night Chris or I put Ethen to bed and we read from our picture bible. Chris was putting Ethen that evening and Ethen told Daddy he didn't want to read his bible. Knowing that night's story was about the Holy Spirit, Chris shared that sometimes Mommy and Daddy didn't want to do things like go to church, read our bibles, be nice, etc. But God gives us the Holy Spirit, and to make a long story short, we call the Holy Spirit the "God Wanter" because He helps us to want God and to want the things of God. Then, Chris read the bible story to Ethen and afterwards what happened has literally changed Ethen from that day on. He said, "Daddy, I pray for the Holy Spirit to be in me?" "OF COURSE!" was Chris's reply. So Ethen repeated after Chris a prayer to have the Holy Spirit in him. Since that day Ethen's relationship with his brother has been the most impacted. He often wants to help Judah, pick him up, hold him, hold his hand and help him. Isn't God amazing?!

My other story happened today. While playing in the hot tub (again) with our friend Ethan T., and he was a little afraid of the jets. Our Ethen told Ethan T. almost 25 times that he didn't need to be afraid because God will protect him not only from the jets, but also the dark and the bear that lives in the woods behind his house! It was so precious.

Both the boys were pretty excited to have Ethan T. over today. Last time, Ethen screamed and ran around the house for several minutes while Ethan T. raced upstairs to play with toys. Judah, being the follower that he is, mimicked his brother, running around screaming. While Ethen didn't show as much excitement this time that Ethan T. came over, Judah did. While all three boys were playing up in the bedroom, Judah hugged Ethan T about 15 times and poor Ethan T. had to ask him to stop hugging him. It was pretty cute.

It is so beautiful to see how much love can come out of an almost-4-year-old and an almost-2-year-old! We are very blessed parents!!

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